Brashlyan village

According the last date there are 12 people leaving there. The village name till 1934 is Sarmashik and it was created in the 17 th century. Some ancient legend said that Orheus was born there. Vasil Vevski /a Bulgarian revolutioner / also passed trough the village and the house, where he slept is still there. Since 1982 the village is architectural and hystoricla reserve. There are preserved some autentical houses, typical for the architecture of Strandja from 18-19 – the century. 76 houses are architectural monuments of culture, 9 of them with national meaning. It is said that the oldest house in the village was build in the 17-the century. There are many abondened houses in ruins and they are in a contrast with the new guest houses next to them. People from the village siad that most of this houses are sold and new one will turn up very soon. Despite the main road leading to the border with Turkey, for people leaving there is difficult to travell because of non-regular buses passing trough the village. The house of granddady Stoyan in the center of village turned out to be most impressive to me.