May 24, 2020
In the world of digital art

Digital art is an art in which digital technology is a major part of the process. The influence of digital technology has transformed many traditional activities such as painting, sculpture and music / visual sound art, while new forms such as internet art, digital installation and virtual reality are becoming artistic practices. Digital art ...
April 18, 2020
Between two worlds in artist’s world

Most of the artists are led to another world, like actors, while playing the role or dancers, while dancing their dance. Art people are so quickly immersed in the art world that they very often lose touch with reality. In order to safe themselves as artists, artists need to be isolated and devote to their ideas. Creating art is freedom ...
March 21, 2020
Benefits of Art
March 17, 2020
Painting for gift-why not?

How often did you choose to give a painting of a loved one's occasion and if you didn't do it, what stopped you? Don't have an affinity for art or don't feel confident in your choices?Many people think that to chose painting for a gift is very obligatory because you do not know the taste of the person. Some people come up with the idea of ...